
Threads Of Being

Of the Heart and of the Mind. Three point one four one five nine.

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Dreams Come True 

This is just to cataloge all the recent coming trues of dreams I've had.

For those who don't know, I dream alot. I like to sleep because I dream a lot, and usually my dreams are nice or good or fun or random or at the least odd. Rarely are they unsettling, and I almost never have nightmares anymore.

But more importantly, I was about to say: For those who don't know, I sometimes have what are termed "precog dreams". I dream of places and then later (usually just a couple years), I find myself in those places.

As a minor, yet odd (imo), note, I've noticed that the dreams pretty much only come true during the summer. I would say always, but I am 24 years old and can't remember *everything*, so it's possible one hasn't, but I don't believe so. I say this is odd because Summer is my least favorite season, as well as opposition season (via Elementalism). But a friend pointed out a month or two ago how strong I actually am with Fire (which is the element of Summer), and I've known for a couple years now that I am attuned with Fire (lol, that was a surprise to me when I discovered that, remind me to tell you sometime), so I suppose it's not so strange that I precog about Summer events, just seems a bit odd to me is all.

Anyways, this summer here's what I got:
When agonizing over the whole move to Michigan thing there were two.
-In my Father's kitchen ... (I wrote down the details in case I forgot, which I have done, so I'll fill this in later)
-While on the phone with the COO of my new company (ditto)
When driving from MA to MI two days before I started my new job
-At a rest stop, the layout inside with the gift shop in the curved wall of what would be a T intersection if the wall was straight and the gift shop closed up with metal almost chain-like gateing. And then the small entrance to the Trucker's area, with a tv lobby behind glass walls on the left and a smaller tv area behind glass walls on the right, which had a brown-ish pho-leather couch sitting perpenticular to the tv that was mounted on the non-glass wall which I used to stretch my back by bending backwards over the arm of the couch and letting gravity do it's thing.
When condo hunting in Royal Oak
-The light blue painted kitchen with the dining room as part of it (instead of part of the living room as usual) and a door to a very small bathroom in the short wall in one corner of the kitchen that was at 45 degree angles to the kitchen's walls (making the bathroom three sided).
-The finished attic (which I will fullu describe later as that's a long one to type up!)
---As a note, this last one was in a dream from many many years ago, like when I was a child, or rather a young teen... very wierd for one to have come true from so long ago, until now they have come true within just a few years.

I think that was all this summer, for now anyways. Calendar wise summer may be over as Labor Day is passed, but actually Summer runs from June 21st to September 21st.


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