
Threads Of Being

Of the Heart and of the Mind. Three point one four one five nine.

Friday, March 11, 2005

More Dreams Come True 

I can't believe it was September of 2003, and not last September (2004), that I last posted on this. I doesn't at all seem like a year and a half in my head. I think my skewed perception of time is getting worse... but onto the topic at hand.

I'm going to try and list all the instances since the last time I listed them here, I'll probably miss a few. One really interesting thing to note is that my dreams have been coming true in seasons other than summer now! Makes me very happy.

- First (or second?) time I visited Kim & Steve's house: The wall of their living room with the front door that doesn't open and the almost kids-like pattern of the wallpaper on just that wall (which turned out to be the weird construction an-outer-wall-needs-to-cover-this-up stuff)
- Visiting Emily in SC in summer 2004, the hotel we (finally) ended up at: Entering our room with it partially dark and the red colors and the little fridge on the left against the wall just at the end of the hall as it opened into the room and the room having a couch on the right with a half wall separating it from where the beds were, and the hotel's entry hall with the vaulted ceiling and turning (not round) stairway to the second floor.
- Las Vegas in August 2004: The new Borg ride from when we left the first corridor to turn right, everything after that to just before the room where we sit down, and then again during the watching the screen part when the Borg Queen starts tries and get away.
- Visiting Mom in October 2004, going to Olive's hair salon: the part of the salon where hair is washed, having four chair stations, two on each of opposite walls, and the symbol on the frosted glass
- Picking up guest for Trinitycon 2004, at the oldest terminal in DTW airport: the long info counter and area behind it decorated for Halloween, but no one was there.
- Taking guests into Detroit during Trinitycon 2004: I and a few people walking through a still mostly green park on a path with a wall many yards on our left side and at one point as the path is curving there are a couple picnic tables off near the wall, and at one of them a small group of people are sitting and one yells over to us to offer us a drink.
- First time I visited Chad's house in late 2004: the one blue wall in the kitchen behind the "breakfast nook" area, but that wall not being blue on the other side of the wall that separates the kitchen from the entryway/living room, and the layout of the living room/dining room/kitchen.
- NERO in January 2005 (This is one of the most vivid and accurate ones): a small open amphitheater type area against a natural semi-steep hill, the seating all benches made of wood along the slope of the hill, two sets of stairs edging the seating one on each side, a big raised off the ground stone walled fire pit in the center of what would be a circle if the semi-circle of seating went all the way around filled several feet over the top with branches and other wood which is several yards away from the seating, and all of it - everything- covered in 1-2 feet of snow. Nothing shoveled, all pristine. The path leading there running along the top of the hill coming from around a bend. Me with four or so other people (I didn't know at the time of the dream, I did at the time of the event) walking the path around the bend to see this sight, then going down the closest set of stairs and up and around the fire pit, making deep foot impressions in the snow as we do.
- NERO in January 2005: The "burning" of the dead bad guy: A wood building with the back of the side closest to us walking up to it being only a covered porch type thing, with wood and tools and stuff under the roof covered part next to the walls for the interiors of the building, with two big blocks of hay sitting out next to each other just off the covered porch. A body lying on those two being burned and me turning away from the sight.
- NERO in January 2005: There may have been one more instance I think, maybe even two, I can't remember exactly what now.
- NERO in March 2005: After driving through the camp's entrance and passing the first building: After a camp building the road curves then "boxes" around a big pond/very small lake (though this road went from right to left to get around whereas in my dream it was left to right to get around) - this is kinda a sketchy one as to if it was my dream or not.
- NERO in March 2005: The corner on the road turning right from the cabins leading to monster camp (this was a recent dream - odd, usually it's years, not months or even weeks was it?) with the wood fence on the right side that also turns the corner and the snow on the ground and more ice/slush than snow on the road making it hard to move easily on.
- March 2005: Monday after coming home from NERO where I sprained my ankle, after having it all checked out, I went to a little pharmacy next to my doctor's office to buy crutches: the lay out with the little counter to where the pharmacists work on the left after walking in from the door, and the slightly low ceiling, and only two aisles on the right, then following someone around down the furthest most aisle from the door.

Those are all the ones I remember right now. I think I'm missing a few. Will have to post them when I remember them again!


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